What is Osteopathy?
"Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated."
Osteopathy is a manual therapy that helps to treat the patient by restoring mobility and structure to the body. This is done through a variety of modalities combined with exercise prescriptions. While sharing many techniques with other modalities what makes Osteopathy different is the three basis of Osteopathic philosophy:
1. The body is a functional unit; body, mind, and spirit.
The body is one functional unit not only the sum of its parts. The result of dysfunction in the body is not only local. By looking at the body as a whole and not only at the area where symptoms arise the practitioner can find the root cause of symptoms. This requires a comprehensive understanding of anatomy, mechanics and the bodies interrelations, as well as a systematic and in depth assessment.
2. The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.
The role of the osteopath is not to fix a patient. We all have a strong ability to heal and express health. The Osteopath seeks to: remove obstruction, and 'nudge' the patients systems to regulate itself. With a thorough understanding of the bodies systems, including fascial, neuro-vascular, and musculoskeletal, the practitioner can use the patients physiology to restore normal function.
3. Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
Through Osteopathy we can effect the structure of a person . By helping the patient have a structural body that is functioning as well as possible, in turn the body and all its systems are able to function to the fullest of their ability in a given moment.